jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Cry no more - Yaakov Shwekey

Many tears have fallen,
many years we're calling,
Please no more
Many broken-hearted,
friends lost and departed,
Please no more
Now the time has come,

Everyone must stand together,
and be strong forever more.
Young and helpless children,

illness and confusion,
Please no more
Old and lonely people,

hunger, war and evil,
Please no more
Now the time has come,

Everyone as one forever
Let His kingdom rise again.

Cry no more Yerushalaim

shine once more Yerushalaim

We need to see you proud again

Upon the mountain of Hashem

And then we'll cry no more Yerushalaim

Enemies of freedom, hatred without reason,
Please no more
Weapons of destruction, terror and corruption.
Please no more
Now the time has come, return and stay this time forever
Let His glory shine again

Cry no more Yerushalaim
shine once more Yerushalaim
We need to see you proud again
Upon the mountain of Hashem
And then we'll cry no more Yerushalaim

Álbum: Cry no more

3 comentarios:

  1. muy bueno este tema. que se cumplan los deseos de paz.

  2. Hermosa letra cry no more Yahrushalyim🙏.🙏.. me gustaria que agregaran al cantante Ben snof tambien tiene buenas canciones congrats! Excellent music #shalom

    1. Hola Anónimo!
      Gracias por dejarnos tu comentario!
      Nos alegra que te haya gustado la canción!
      Podrías especificarnos sobre cuál canción prefieres, de Ben Snof?
      Saludos ;)
      El equipo de MK


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